Employment Termination

9:21 PM

For the past eight months, I have been employed at Houston's. Granted, it was not what I went to school for; however, it allowed me to simultaneously pursue my dreams while offering the flexibility to earn an income.

Today, they pulled the plug on me. I became enslaved to the mechanic food-service industry. Void of any room for personality, I was limited to scripted conversation. Any deviation that resulted in personal conversation was frowned upon and risky. I let myself get in the way. The corporate infrastructure has "standards" and fails to account for the human effect of performing a particular task. The reality is that Houston's took me away from my family, friends, and goals, becoming my sole objective.

I made a commitment to never put myself in a situation that compromises who I am. It was as if I would go to work and leave Edwyn at the door because the law student and aspiring actor/model did not "fit the description". I began to prioritize and ask myself the following questions:
  • What is most important to you?
  • What do you want to be?
  • How will you go about it?

Sure, anything that is involuntarily removed takes time to adjust. I realized that the majority of people do not genuinely care if you are not within their scope. As per the general counsel of the company, "Houston's does not value its employees, including you." Family. At the end of the day, it's a business because what is success when your number one fan is missing?

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